De la aspiración a la aventura
Nuestra historia comenzó hace más de cinco décadas, con un sueño que nació de la necesidad de explorar y de romper con la rutina.
Comanche es más que una marca; es el legado de quienes se atrevieron a soñar con un estilo de vida diferente, y en nuestro 50 aniversario compartirlo contigo.
Porque entendemos que la verdadera aventura no es solo un destino, sino una forma de vivir y descubrir la esencia de cada momento. Hoy, te invitamos a ser parte de nuestra historia, porque creemos que en cada uno de nosotros late el espíritu de la libertad, la conexión y la autenticidad.
Esta es nuestra historia y, a partir de ahora, también es la tuya si te unes a ser Espíritu Comanche con nosotros.
1965 – The first traces
Joan Llopart motivado por su espíritu emprendedor decidió crear algo nuevo. Trabajando día y noche, de forma bastante precaria, comenzó a fabricar remolques agrícolas y pequeñas granjas metálicas para conejos con la ayuda de un trabajador de la casa, Francisco Guzman » El Pacu”. Así nació CIAGAPA, con Jaume Moner como socio capitalista, marcando el inicio de una historia de innovación y perseverancia.
1970 – The adventure begins
A Belgian engineer who had just arrived in Barcelona called Higans brought with him a unique business opportunity: the manufacture of camping trailers to be distributed in Europe. An American patent had stopped producing them and they were looking for a new supplier who would manufacture them. Joan LLopart, a visionary of his time, knew how to take advantage of the opportunity and began to manufacture the American brand of camping trailers called APACHE.
1973 – The Challenge
The production of the Apache camping trailers was a success, exceeding targets and reaching an annual output of over 400 units. However, the 1973 oil crisis hit Europe hard, forcing the Belgian distribution company to close down. Joan Llopart, true to his spirit, decided to go ahead despite the risk and open his own market in Spain where the product was totally unknown.
1974 – Comanche
It was decided to found a new company called Compañía industrial de Remolques SA (CIRESA) with the intention of opening a new stage by creating its own brand.
This is how the COMANCHE brand was born, in honour of the APACHE roots and spirit, which would later become a global benchmark in the camping sector.
1980 – El legado
Comanche is the only company in its sector that has been present since the beginning of the caravanning fair at the Barcelona show to bring its message of adventure and connection with nature and its COMANCHE SPIRIT.
Our constant innovation in design, quality and ease of use is a testament to our heritage and vision of creating products that not only meet our customers' expectations, but exceed them.
Espíritu Comanche- una historia de sueños y aventura
Today Comanche is more than a brand; it is a symbol of adventure, freedom and connection with nature. Every trailer we build carries with it the COMANCHE SPIRIT of Joan Llopart and the legacy of those who believed in his spirit.
At Generational Change we are proud to continue this exciting journey, inviting you to discover the true essence of life.
Join us and let the Comanche spirit guide you on your own adventure. Because with Comanche, every journey is an opportunity to transform the world.
¿Te unes al espíritu Comanche ?